Some of my favorite Lesson Plans

I.                   Subject/Content Area
Mathematics/ Division
II.                Alabama Course of Study
4th Solve problems, including word problems, involving multiplication and division of whole numbers through two-digit multipliers and one-digit divisors.
III.             Concepts
Dividing two digit numbers by one digit divisors
IV.              Behavioral Objectives
·        TSWBAT
·        provide the answer to simple division problems using the standard algorithm.
V.                 Evaluation
·        TTW (the teacher will)
·        Be observing to see if the problem is set up correctly (two digits in the house and one digit out side the house
·         Check to see if the procedure is done correctly (left to right)
·         Check to see if the product is correct.
VI.              Materials
·        Worksheet of bunny
·        Crayons
·        Pencil/paper
VII.           Teaching/ Learning Procedures
A.     Motivation
·        “ If I had 25 pieces of candy and I wanted to give 5 students same amount of candy how would I know how many pieces of candy each person would receive.”
·        Let students respond
·        Today we are going to learn about simple division where we will be dividing one number into two numbers.
B.     Instructional Procedure
·        I Do
·        First students will only watch me as I do example problems showing them the standard algorithm to sold these division problems.
·        Example problems might include 66/3, 25/5, 91/9, 46/2, 54/3.
·        We Do
·        Now I allow students to take notes as we work the problems together as a class.
·        I call on students for my next step in each problem.
·        We work 5 problems out together as a class
·        You do
·        I write 5 problems out on the board
·        And allow students to work problems out independently
·        Students may raise their hand for assistance.
§         I will be checking to Be observing to see if the problem is set up correctly (two digits in the house and one digit out side the house
§          Check to see if the procedure is done correctly (left to right)
·         Check to see if the product is correct.
·        I walk around the desk during independent time asking question like
·        What have you tried that didn’t work? How did you know you were done? How do you know your answer is correct? Without telling the answer how would you tell a classmate to get started? What is not clear to you at this point?
·        Work out problems on the board and let students correct their selves as we work out the problems as a class.
C.     Closure
·        Ask students what is the first, second, third, and fourth step in division (D.M.S.B.) Divide multiply subtract and bring down.
·        Ask students when do we divide in our everyday lives.
·        Pass out color sheet where students are to practice the skills of division that we have just learned.
·        On coloring sheet depending on students answers it determines what color their rabbit will be.
·        For examples if your answer has a 6 in it you color that part of the animal green, if your answer is 3 you color that part of the animal pink, so on and so on.
VIII.        Supplemental Activities
·        Students who finish early will be asked/allowed to work out division problems that have remainders
·        Students who desire enrichment will be directed to get a worksheet with more types of problems that we did today.
·        Students who need remediation will be allowed to work with a partner and will be given more problems from the teacher.