Assessment Profile

Grade: Fourth       
Gender: Male___

Interview with student
  • I would like to learn more about ________________________.
  • My hobbies are______________________________.
  • I would like to learn more about________________________.
  • Sometimes I get confused during division because__________________.
  • I like to read books about ______________________________.
  • My favorite subject is _______________________________________.
  • When school is out for the day I _____________________________.
  • I know 5 goes into 15 ___________________ times therefore I know 5 goes into 150 _________ times.
Concept we worked on was one digit number dividing into a three digit number with remainders
After questions were asked I had him work out 10 problems without any assistance from me
246/7, 310/3, 875/2, 365/2, 482/5, 634/6, 933/9, 537/4, 180/7, 619/8

After Interview With Student
My analysis of my student’s performance on three digits by one digit division with remainders is that sometimes he just completely forgets to bring down his last number. Also when he does work the problem correctly he doesn’t write the remainder at the top with his quotient. I think with a little practice with some guidance from me, my student will be working out theses problems with no trouble. He is working the problem correctly he just isn’t finishing them sometimes

Summary of Student Strength and Weaknesses
The student strengths would be, he has very good knowledge of his multiplication facts, he has a hunger for knowledge, he is not afraid to ask questions no matter how silly he think they might may be, and he has the correct way of starting the procedure for division down packed. Some of his weaknesses are he doesn’t pay attention at times, he can become lazy, he doesn’t listen, and he doesn’t write down his remainder when he has work the problem out correctly.

Conclusion and Recommendations
I feel that the only help this child needs is to have guided practice with theses types of problems. He totally has the ability to do the problems correctly. I recommend that when student is doing these types of problems in the classroom that he do them with a partner who knows how to work the problem out correctly. I recommend at home when the student is doing these types of problems have an older sibling or parent help him with the problem.